Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Magnet Ball

From a Norwex Consultant:

I was recently asked whether I focus on or promote the Magent Ball at my demos or not ~ I replied that I don’t generally talk about it unless someone specifically asks. I am always telling people that we have the softest water in North America where we live, so it’s not something that is generally needed ~ and I still believe that this is true. It is a pricey item, and most people want to get real bang for their buck, so will focus their spending on products that will do this ~ enviro cloths, laundry detergent, body cloths, etc.

HOWEVER, not long after we had this conversation, I decided that since I had a Magnet Ball rolling around in my Norwex kit that I should really give it a try.

I put the Magnet Ball in my dishwasher (bottom rack as described in the product guide, NOT on the top rack, as is shown in the product ~ an error I have pointed out to HO for correction) and began using ½ the dishwasher detergent I had been.

The results have been VERY impressive. My dishes never have sitting water on them any longer, and my glasses are noticeably shinier ~ even my husband noticed the difference and wanted to know what I had changed!

So, there is my testimonial. It’s a bit pricey at $42.99, but in the long run it would pay for itself in the other ½ of the dishwasher detergent I am not putting in the dispenser any longer. (I have a front-loader washing machine, so have no washing machine testimonial to share!) I do have friends that live in areas where the water is “hard” who use the magnet ball and absolutely love what it has done for their dishes!

The moral of my story is this: you can really only speak to how well Norwex products work if you TRY THEM!


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